Thursday, December 11, 2014

Tiny Homes

A September article from addressed the benefits and challenges of living in a tiny home. Kristen Moeller may have said it best, "It's like writing a book. Ninety percent of people say they want to do it, but only about 5 percent actually will." The idea of a tiny house may romanticized a bit but non the less they are a viable option for people looking for unique designs, low economic impact, and a way to afford quality over quantity. However, some tiny homes can still be as expensive as regular housing.  One of the houses in the article was an upper end tiny home, with about 500 square feet cost the owner about 220,000 dollars. That would definitely buy a good entry level home in Texas.

I think these houses could be a versatile option for people looking to save money to someday upgrade their home. With rents rates growing quickly around the nation purchasing one of these homes may be a better option than renting for some people. Especially when rent rates in many areas are not allowing first time homebuyers to save enough money for a down payment on a home. For investors looking to accumulate assets while saving money for the future tiny homes may be the way of the future. Tiny houses can appeal to a wide variety of people particularly those that value quality over quantity with many houses having many higher quality features than the average first time home.  Will tiny homes take off in America, only time will tell, but I know I would rather live in a tiny home or condo than an apartment that I would probably be paying a similar amount for.

Check out the article at

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