Sunday, September 7, 2014


Hello all, my name is James O'Harrow, class of 2015. I am a finance major from Eldorado, Texas. I enjoy working out, cooking, watching sports, hanging out with friends, and good coffee. Coffee truly does make the world go least from my point of view.
I hope to gain a more in-depth knowledge of the real estate industry from this class, because I hope to be involved in this industry after graduation in one aspect or the other. A current short term goal of mine is to get into graduate school. I plan on applying to both the Masters of Real Estate and the Masters of Land and Property development. Both of these programs capture my interests in slightly different ways. The MLPD interest me through the creation and improvement of real estate and the MRE captures my interest because it captures everything else the real estate industry has to offer. I think either of these programs would be great for my future. A long term goal is to own my own business in either the real estate or fitness industry. I guess the goal of self employment runs in my family because my dad is a self employed rancher. The flexibility and decision making element of self employment is what really draws me to the idea.
I have never traveled outside the states, but would love to travel to at least one country in every continent (except Antarctica).  I enjoy learning about other people's cultures and sampling the local food and drink. This is a pretty broad goal but I would like this to include hunting trips and going to sporting events in other countries.
Some of my favorite links include: Rogue Crossfit and Instagram

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